Magazine Ads

What are Magazine Ads?

These are advertisements given to magazines that are published monthly, weekly or at different intervals, changing according to their content. In general, these magazines are published as sectoral, cultural or tabloid. It is used as full size and half size on the back cover, inside of the cover and inside pages of these magazines. The designed advertisements are sent to the magazine editor and printed. Although most of the magazines are purchased products, there are some that are distributed as promotions or advertisements. Advertisements are given to these magazines according to the sector or the campaigns on the printing date.

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13 Brave Magazines

Why Magazine Ads Matter

  • It is long lasting.
  • Provides prestige
  • Paper quality is high.
  • It provides sectoral use.
  • It appeals to a niche audience.
  • Page cost is high.
  • It can be cut, stored and transported.

Magazine Ad Types

Advertisement: An advertisement image published in different sizes on the relevant page of the magazine. Since magazines are periodicals, they are consumed until the next publication.
Advertorial: It is especially preferred in launch campaigns. It is called informative texts that emphasize more than one feature of the product, explain it in detail. The product image and brand logo are also displayed.
Page Redirection: Projects that lead directly to the brand’s internal advertising area with an adhesive tape surrounding the magazine.  Sample: It is done by putting the sample of the product to be inspected by the target audience in the magazine. It is generally used for products launched.


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Frequently Asked Questions About Our Magazine Ads Service

We wanted to answer some of your questions just before we started working on Magazine ads with 13 Brave. In order not to make wrong decisions during the advertising process, we have compiled frequently asked questions from our customers for you.

For digital and printed magazine publications, you can get advertising projects prepared by contacting digital advertising agencies.
It determines price ranges according to the type of advertisement in order to prepare advertising strategies and projects for magazines. You can find out immediately by contacting.
In magazine advertisements, you can determine the duration and evaluate it within the scope of the magazine publication period.

Let's Start Growing Your Brand

Contact us now. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible. Our door is always open in our office 🙂

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